Fishing in Menorca

  Sport fishing on the island of Menorca has evolved in recent years at breakneck speed. Fishing techniques that were used on the island were those that were sufficient, given the abundance of certain species, to obtain a quantity of fish sufficient to meet the sole purpose to be had: the availability of food for that day, or, at most to attend to some family commitments. With a small diesel boat , as the classic “llauts”, anglers need not go more than a couple of miles from their home port to reach the fishing area, which is pursuing the “anfosos” (groupers), “peix Roquer” (small rock fish), “raors” (gallants or “parakeets”), squid, and if fortune, if not specifically sought his capture, a spider or scorpion fish.

Also caught by trolling, mainly juvenile yellowtail or amberjack. Today, although many fishermen (especially the older ones) are complying with this traditional style of fishing, the advent of technology in the form of outboard boats, sensors, satellite positioning, as well as modern techniques such as jigging, the spinning, or the invisible lines , have widened the catch and turned this activity, which had always been considered a “fun in search of food” in a sport. Here we will be adding items related to fishing in Menorca, leveraging our experience as a sports fishing fans, we hope to satisfy their interest.

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